luni, 29 octombrie 2012

Unknown poem

There were once two flowers,
Both were strong and healthy.
When the winter brought destruction,
They were like one,denying death.

But then summer arrived,
Weed came with his sweet talk.
He told the first one about the world
And about the happiness what it gives.

The first left the second,
While the second tried to stop the first.
The weed continued to poison him
And the second couldn't stop it.

Winter came to do some cleaning
And took the weed with him.
But when the second saw it,
He also saw the first next to him.

But the first didn't move,
Petals were colorless and lifeless.
That's when the second realized
What he had really lost.

Next summer,the gardener came.
He saw two flowers next to each other.
Both of them were shiny and beautiful,
Their leaves were holding each others'

But they never moved again..

                            - Eleven

duminică, 7 octombrie 2012


M-am trezit atat de lenesa.. Ma alintam singura sub patura. Afara e frig si innorat,iar eu stau ghemuita si zambesc. E atat de liniste si asa caldut. Contemplez pe linii de blues seara trecuta,cand ma imbratisai cu atentie. Chicotitul tau imi gadila urechea si ti-am zis sa incetezi,fiindca am sa rosesc.
Ma uit la cer,cum se sfasaie incet vara si poftesc in aceasta atmosfera un pahar de whiskey. Ceva imi zice ca toamnei asteia am sa-i fac in ciuda. I-am furat acul ce-l avea de cojocul meu si mi-am cusut un zambet cu ata dura. Rupe-l daca mai poti,i-am soptit.
Ma va atinge rece vantul diseara,iar eu voi dansa pe langa apa. Vreau sa visez,fiindca stiu ca de data aceasta pot aduce trecutul in prezent si ma pot bucura de el. A zis cineva ca magia nu exista? Ma simt asa de smechera,ca o vulpe hoata. Tiptil,subtil,am sa te fur.