duminică, 22 ianuarie 2012

Public speaking contest 2012

                                                         The wonder hidden within us
                                                         Theme: The wisdom of youth

       Have you ever been wondering what is really going on through your mind? Have you ever even stopped for just ten minutes to figure it out? When you come home from school what do you do? I bet you go straight to the TV or computer and stay on until your eyes hurt. Or you find yourself locked in your room listening loudly to your MP3 all day. Every day? I think your mind needs a little break from all these.
      Turn off everything that might bother you. You don’t need to check the notifications on Facebook every single minute and surely you don’t need to text your friends about what you’ve seen on TV a moment ago. Close your eyes and take your time. Or just get up,maybe grab a bike and go to the park. You need to clear up your mind.
      Teenagers are free spirits. We think with our hearts and the possibilities of our imagination are endless. It’s more effective than magic. We have that strength to get up untouched when we fall and we move on quickly. And we are often falling because we walk with our heads up all the time. Maybe we are holding it too high sometimes and we lose ourselves in the deep blue sky. Is it a good thing? Yes. We start with small steps towards failure so we can cope with it later. Will you? Why cope with failure?  Because you learn from it and it’s going to hurt less and less each time. I,for example,try to think differently. I embrace every aspect of this life with huge open arms. I don’t do things because they are technically correct. I do them because that’s how I feel. And if I fail,it’s funny. I start to laugh because the world isn’t ending right now.  We should be proud that we can stand up for our opinions now. We can stop and turn our backs to whatever they say,unraveling that the truth lies only within us. Our generation needs imagination beyond borders, predominance of courage over timidity and apetite for adventure over the life of ease. The secret is to translate our dreams into reality.
      We have discovered how it is to have a true friend when we need him,how to listen to other people’s problems and try to help them without expecting to get something back. We have learned how to love. You know,that unique moment when you feel like flying and the world is coming down at your feet,with all its shivers and butterflies. Unfortunately we have learned how suffer. You all know how it is to have a deception,to have a back turned on you,to be disappointed and not be able sleep at night. We try to be happy,to party and to enjoy life in every way. Please,don’t tell me you didn’t feel all these things! It would be a shame. All these little things made me the person that I am today. And we’d be nothing without the important people in our lives. We share emotions,things and even wisdom with them,without exactly knowing what we’re doing. It’s all about conversation ,understanding and caring. These are the tools that make swords,guns and machines powerless.
       I will tell you a story about a childhood friend of mine. Let’s call him John. His father died in a car accident on the way to the hospital when John was born. His mother blamed him his whole life for his father’s death and she treated him badly. She is now married in another country while John is here only with his sick grandmother,taking care of her,of himself and the house. He is much more educated than many boys at his age,unfortunately he cannot have really good grades at school,because he hasn’t much time to learn at home. But he still has dreams for college and for becoming a doctor. John has been only through failure,he never felt the true love of his parents. And if it hadn’t been us,his friends,to help him cope with these,I don’t know what could have happened to him. Still,he never gave up.
       Are you a bit more aware now? It didn’t kill you to try this,did it? You know,adults would give anything to get back where we are standing now,with a mind like ours. They are longing for the years when they were fresh and new,when they could dream and discover all the important things and feelings. They knew how to appreciate it. But what about us? I think sometimes we are just wasting too much precious time. Our minds are full with information,coming from oh so many ways. But the trick is to catch only the right things.
       Run away,live your life and get out if this box. Don’t believe in coming backs,don’t even try to look back. The future stands there waiting for you to shape it in your way. You can shoot for the moon,and even if you miss,you will land among the stars. We are now stronger than ever,we are ambitious,no one can stop us. Now tell me,what’s going on in your mind?

marți, 10 ianuarie 2012

Brain stew

E aproape 7 dimineata. Peste o saptamana la ora asta,voi fi deja treaza,pregatindu-ma pentru scoala. Nu am niciun pic de somn. Vocea mea interioara s-a gandit ca acum e momentul sa puna toate problemele mele cap la cap. Iar creierul meu s-a gandit sa ma injecteze cu toate amintirile placute,dar mai ales cu cele neplacute. Urasc cand mi se intampla asta. Stau in pat si privesc peretii. E un sport pe care-l practic frecvent mai nou.
Nu vreau sa ajung sa vad rasaritul. Fa-ma nebuna,dar pentru mine nu exista nimic mai deprimant decat zorii zilei dupa o noapte nedormita. Nu pot sa inteleg de ce.
As vrea sa vina vara,sa-mi vad de viciile mele pe balcon,in timp ce asist gratuit la concerte diverse de greieri. As vrea ca vantul cel cald sa ma mangaie mai dulce ca orice baiat pe care l-am avut vreodata. As vrea ca stelele sa-mi luceasca in privire iar copacii sa ma acopere cu frunzele lor de catifea,sa ma alinte.
Uite,am invatat din nou sa visez. Vezi prietene,vezi?

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duminică, 8 ianuarie 2012

Cand ingerii pleaca

..ne lasa pierduti intr-o lume pe care credeam ca o cunoastem atat de bine.

Asa am fost si eu; si o faramita din mine inca mai simte efectul cutremurului. Ma catar spre iesirea din prapastie,vad deja soarele si zambesc. Simt cum mi se incalzeste corpul de o fericire nemarginita. O lumina puternica imi atinge vederea. Ma ustura ochii...Era ora 14,m-am trezit din visul meu placut. Buna dimineata viata de cosmar.
Afara e innorat si e frig..e mult,mult prea trist. Trebuie sa se gaseasca un sfarsit durerii pe care o simt cand nu visez. M-am saturat de toate astea. Drame,urlete,vorbe fara rost. Vreau sa mor si vreau acum. De ce mai respir? De ce ma mai chinui..?

Era ora 13:30,soarele puternic ma dezmiarda printre bratele ranite si ucise ale copacilor mei dragi. Imi tarasc picioarele amortite pe podea pana la geam si-mi spun in minte,in timp ce privesc in gol: lumea mea pare sa-si revina la normal.
Zilele trec,iar eu realizez ca viata mea e ciudata. Sunt pierduta si n-am incredere in nimeni. Dar niciodata nu m-am simtit mai bine ca acum. Ma simt ca o regina de alb in mainile unui incepator. Incerc sa am grija de toti si de toate,iar in schimb toti vor sa ma doboare.
Singuratatea e o prostie,suferinta e degeaba iar ingerii..vedeti voi..nu exista. Nu exista inca.
Sunt libera,deschisa unui nou inceput. Visez cu ochii deschisi,mai vars o lacrima. Dar uit incet incet de tot.
Am cei mai buni prieteni de pe pamant. Zambesc,dansez si traiesc viata din plin

Nu te baza pe nimeni sa-ti conduca viata. Caci odata ce ii pierzi esti lasat fara nimic si nu stii cum sa incepi sa traiesti. Si nu mai are cine sa te ajute..
Zambeste-ti de fiecare data cand te privesti in oglinda.
Nu uita ca esti mai bun decat ei.