vineri, 25 ianuarie 2013

Public speaking contest 2013

Thoughts gone beserk
Theme: A house divided against itself,cannot stand

       Since the moment we are brought to this world, since that exact moment when we open our eyes; everything in this world parts in little pieces of rope, that tie in knots perfectly. Every action that we do along this path called life,  is a small, but important piece of a big puzzle. That big puzzle is what our future holds. This is why the best advice for a living man, is never to miss an opportunity, no matter how insignificant it seems it is. It could be key knot to the rope, and if we refuse to tie it, we might never get to the best, most wished end of our lives.
      Like atoms and particles that make up everything that we touch and feel, so is any particular person that lives on this planet. We are equal, and let’s face it; the world wouldn’t be the same without you, me, him or her. And speaking about human beings, I would like to place a beautiful image in your minds. I want to tell you the story of my favorite myth: Plato's myth of the Androgyne. I’m not really into this kind of things, but this one got my attention.
      According to Theosophy, Zeus created androgynous souls, equally male and female, immersed in one. Later theories say that the souls split into separate genders, probably because they incurred karma while playing around on the Earth. Since then, each half seeks the other. This is why we search around the world, to find our perfect match. And yet, this might be a proof that we are incomplete since the beginning of our lives.
      I've heard this story one year ago, and I got stunned. I got stunned thinking that there are many people that have found their other half, and there are so many people that think that they’ve found it, but they haven’t, and probably they don’t even know that yet. And there are so many more still searching. What did we actually learn from this, when there is so much pain and hate in this world? Why would you hurt somebody that might complete you? We see people breaking up, divorcing, fighting and most of all, suffering, every day. I blame us for being so selfish sometimes. I blame us for using other people.
      Finding a soulmate has been the toughest journey a man could face, if he’s interested, of course. Also, one thing should be known:  you will always need the help of other people, preferably friends. You might be asking why. Well, you can’t drive alone on the toughest road of your life. As I told you before, everything is linked.  How? Well, let me explain. Every one of us will be hurt along the road; hit by rocks, pushed away by powerful winds, and probably the first idea that would come into your minds is to let the whole struggle go and just give up. You really forgot that all the good things happen to those who wait, did you? Most things don’t work out the way people plan. That is the moment when you think that nothing matters anymore and you try to run away from people, so far away that no one could ever find you. Funny though, the more you try to get away from people, the closer you get to them.  And in that exact moment you are always found by your friends, and they are pushing and pulling just to wake and motivate you. They say if you start out depressed, everything else will be a pleasant surprise. What would you do without them?
       I know a lot of people that are constantly telling me that I have to learn to go through life with only the help of myself.  I often get angry in these situations, because they know better than me that that is not possible. They are only bragging, I don’t know what for. I was never ashamed of asking for help from anybody. I like to believe that asking for help is a sign of courage. It shows that you overcame your pride and actually the words that people have told you all through your life, made you the person that you are today.
       Maybe you won’t listen, maybe you don’t understand. You might be thinking that I’m only talking nonsense. I understand you. But all those things I said were born from my own experience. I’m only at the beginning of this journey and I’ve already been pushed and pulled. I stumbled, I fell. I refused to take advice from my closest friends, and I got worse. I believed that I have to learn only from my mistakes, but the people telling me those things knew what they were saying. Life is a climb, but the view is great. So I took their hands in mine, and I raised.  Because we are as strong as we are united,as weak as we are divided. And now I am new...and I am free.

6 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

" thoughts gone beserk". Beserk? really? Dak deja titlul contine greseli gramaticale... :| pune mana, termina liceul, invata engleza si dupa aia incearca sa iti scrii gandurile intr-o limba pe care nu o stapanesti

Anonim spunea...

to 'anonim': esti gras ma.

Deekie spunea...

Amice,te rog sa te informezi inainte sa dai cu gura degeaba. Stiu ca exista si cuvantul berserk,dar si varianta beserk este acceptata,in cazuri mai rare. Am folosit beserk pentru ca a fost folosit si intr-o melodie de la Radiohead care imi este foarte apropiata de suflet. Cat despre restul speech-ului meu,nu stiu ce probleme ai cu el. Avand in vedere ca am ajuns la faza nationala a concursului,competitia fiind foarte stransa pe parcusul acestuia,nu cred ca nu stapanesc destul de bine limba engleza. Si te rog sa nu te iei de gramatica mea,avand in vedere ca tu inca folosesti "dak" in loc de "daca". Daca imi specifici fiecare lucru pe care l-am gresit gramatic in randurile scrise de mine,te rog sa mi le insiri aici si atunci am sa-mi cer scuze. Dar daca tu ai vazut doar "greseala" aceea din titlu si te-ai gandit sa generalizezi,faci o mare prostie.

Anonim3 spunea...


Anonim spunea...

yeah, i heard thom stated he sings the non-r version of the word in his live shows. my bad.

Anonim spunea...

fa gusa deekie