Aualeu,doamne.. Ce se duc anii ai naibii :| Parca abia luna trecuta eram in 2002,niste pusti fricosi de a Ia Ma vad si eu imbracata in alb si negru,facand pregatiri pentru banchet. Simt stresul examenelor si toate chestiile alea. Cand eram mica ziceam: eh frate,pana ajung eu in a 8a mai e... Asta era treaba de oameni mari. Eu ii priveam pe cei de a 8a ca pe niste oameni mari cu responsabilitati. Am ajuns si eu "acolo". Da nu e chiar asa.. Simt cum se infioara prin mine adierea nostalgiei. Unde ne vor duce drumurile sortii mai departe?
Sufletul tau atat de simplu,dar unic si ireal Zambetul cald,ochii blanzi si inima curata Sunt tot ce-au lipsit din al vietii mele ideal Si-mi dezleaga linistea decolorata. Ti-am intalnit privirea inhibata A cerului de mai,imaculata M-ai privit usor, Cerandu-mi ajutor. Parul tau cusut cu ata fina a razelor de soare, Chipul tau afectuos si dulce,foaie plina de-amintire. Inima ta blanda Alearga dragastos in mana mea stanga. Ma ghemuiesc usor la pieptul tau si-ti ascult rasuflarea inghetata, Te joci cu mana-n parul meu si fruntea-mi saruti N-am iubit asa pe nimeni niciodata Si-as vrea sa te opresti,inima sa-mi asculti. As vrea sa-ti arat printr-un singur sarut Caci cu un cuvant nu ar fi prea mult. Sa-nchizi ochii,sa te lasi in voia mea Eu nu te voi lasa sa te pierzi in stupida singuratate Care mi-a tinut atat de multa vreme parte. Erai ca valul ce se lovea pierdut de mal, Nestiind umbra-ti incotro se-ndreapta. Asteptai un suflet normal Demult si el te-asteapta.. Eu te voi tine de mana Te ghidez usor pe sarma, N-ai nevoie de ratiunea tremurata, Din realitate inspirata. Stau langa tine,cu privirea-n orice-ti miscare, Imi spui povesti,caci visele mele sunt plictisitoare. Iti preling mana-ncet pe buze, Opreste-te te rog cateva secunde... Si-ti soptesc c-un suflu in ureche: Te iubesc,esti sufletul meu pereche!
Rosemary Fell was not exactly beautiful. Pretty? Well,if you took her to pieces...but why be so cruel as to take anyone to pieces. She was young,brilliant,extremely modern,exquisitely well-dressed. She was married and had a lovely boy. And her husband,Philip,absolutely adored her. They were rich,really rich.
One winter afternoon,she was buying something in a little antique shop in Curzon Street. The man showed her a little box,an exquisite enamel box. Rosemary liked it very much. 'Charming'! But what was the price?'Twenty-eight guineas,madam.'
Twenty-eight guineas. Even if one is rich...'Well,keep it for me - will you?'
The door shut with a click. Rain was falling,and with the rain it seemed the dark came too. Suddenly,at the moment,a young girl,thin,dark,shadowy - where had she come from? - was standing at Rosemary's elbow and said quietly,
'Madam,would you let me have a price of a cup of tea?'
'A cup of tea? Then you have no money at all?' asked Rosemary.
'None,madam,' came the answer.
'How extraordinary!' And suddenly it seemed to Rosemary such an adventure. Supposing she took the girl home? And she heard herself saying afterwards to the amazement of her friends,'I simply took her home with me', as she stepped forward and said,'Come home to tea with me.'
The girl drew back startled. 'I mean it',Rosemary said,smiling. And she felt how simple and kind her smile was. 'Come along'.
'You're not taking me to the police station?' the girl stammered.
'The police station!' Rosemary laughed out. 'No,I only want to make you warm and to hear - anything you care to tell me,'
Hungry people are easily led. The servant held open the door of the car and a moment later they were driving through the dusk.
'There!' said Rosemary. She had a feeling of triumph. She could have said,'Now I've got you',but of course she meant it kindly. She was going to prove to this girl that rich people had hearts,and that women are sisters.
The car stopped,they rang the bell,the door opened,and Rosemary drew the girl into the hall. Warmth,softness,light,a sweet scent,all these familiar things she never even thought about.
The girl seemed dazed.
'Come and sit down',Rosemary cried,as she walked into the drawing room. 'Sit in this comfortable chair. You mustn't be frightened. Come and get warm. Won't you take off your hat?'
The girl remained standing,but Rosemary gently pulled her towards the chair. The girl had moved only a few paces when she whispered, 'I'm very sorry,madam,but I'm going to faint.'
Rosemary guided her into the chair,crying, 'How thoughtless I am! Tea at once! And some brandy immediately!' She rushed to the bell to call a servant.
'No,I don't want brandy. It's a cup of tea I want,madam'. And she burst into tears.
'Don't cry,poor little thing'. Rosemary said,sympathetically.
Now at last the girl forgot to be shy and said, 'I can't go on any longer like this.'
'You won't have to. I'll look after you. Don't cry anymore. I'll arrange something,I promise.'
The girl stopped crying just in time for the tea.
Some little while later,the door handle turned. 'Rosemary,may I come in?'. It was Philip.
'Of course. This is my friend,Miss - '
'Smith,madam'. said the girl,who was strangely still and unafraid.
Philip looked at the girl,at her hands and boots and then at Rosemary. 'I wanted you to come into the library for a moment. Will miss Smith excuse us?'
Rosemary answered for her: 'Of course she will.' And they went out of the room together.
Philip asked, 'Explain. Who is she?'
Rosemary laughed and said, 'I picked up her in Curzon Street. She asked me for the price of a cup of tea and I brought her home with me. I'm going to be nice to her. Look after her.'
'My darling girl,' said Philip, 'you're quite mad. She's so astonishingly pretty.'
'Pretty?' Rosemary was so surprised. 'Do you think so?'
'She's absolutely lovely. Look again. I think you're making a mistake. But let me know if miss Smith is going to have dinner with us.'
Rosemary did not return directly to miss Smith but went to her writing room and sat down at her desk. Pretty! Lovely! She opened a drawer and took out five 1£ notes. She paused,then put two back,and holding three in her hand,went back to the girl in the drawing room.
Half and hour later,Philip was still in the library, when Rosemary came in.
'I...only wanted to tell you miss Smith insisted on going, so I gave the poor little thing some money.'
Rosemary had just done her hair,darkened her eyes and put on her pearls.
She touched Philip's cheeks.
'I saw a fascinating little box today. It costs twenty-eight guineas. May I have it?'
'You may,' Philip said. But that was not really what Rosemary wanted to say.
'Philip,' she whispered, 'Am I pretty?'
A venit si ziua mamei mele dragi :) Stiu ca a fost pe 3 martie,dar abia ieri i-am tinut-o. Ca deobicei am stat la povesti pana la 1 noaptea si ne-am distrat pe cinste :)) N-au lipsit interpretarile tatei si glumele nesarate ale unchiului meu Mircea. Ne-am uitat din nou pe poze de familie,am baut Mountain Dew si am facut ture la baie din 5 in 5 minute. Asa e mereu.. Dar nu asta conteaza. Mamico,iti urez la multi ani si multa sanatate. Sa ai tot ce-ti doresti si sa ai grija de noi cum ai avut mereu inainte. Iti multumesc pentru ca ma intelegi si ma ajuti cu sfaturi. Sa ne traiesti!! :) Asta e pentru tine si pentru toate mamicile cu ocazia zilei de 8 martie. Le urez tuturor mamicilor un calduros la multi ani! Fiti mandri de ele,pentru ca ele v-au crescut.
Iata ca a trecut si ziua de 1 martie si vreau sa zic ca a fost o zi superba.
S-au impartit martisoare si toata lumea era vesela.
Eram intr-o stare dinaia de parca faceam parte din campania Free Hugs :))
Insa dupa ziua de 1,totul a luat-o cam prost.
Adica,eu chiar am colegi idioti.
Au inceput sa ma sece ca toti se cam dau la mine sii..folosesc un limbaj de-a dreptu scarbos.
Avem si pitipoance cu niste fite de-ti vine sa le scuipi intre ochi. O.o
Pe cuvantu meu..
Atatia ochi dati peste cap si urlete de prostie + sunet de manele de la casti de telefon date la maxim.
Asa se traieste la noi in scoala..
Naspa pentru oamenii normali care invata aici.
Am un singur mesaj pentru ei ^
In rest,zilele mele devin tot mai bune si mai senine :)
Ma simt iubita,fericita si aproape scapata de orice grija.
Scoala insa imi mananca sufletu.
Saptamana asta parca am avut asa o astenie de primavara..
Am fost extraordinar de obosita si nu stiu de ce.
Pur si simplu simteam ca PIC la ore efectiv..
Nu-mi pot explica.
Dar prin oboseala mea,am reusit sa ma indragostesc de niste chestii pe care ni le-au dat la romana :)
In prima faza ne-a dat ceva poezie si sa demonstram ca e pastel.
"Dorm florile usor in plusul moale
Al noptii ce se mistuie si moare
Iar luicuricii de roua-n cupe clare
Au scantei fugare de opale.
Un crin suspina-n somn;apoi se-nclina
Exstatic,in cascade de lumina
Ce se coboara blanda dintre astre"
Apoi ne-a dat niste fraze pentru analizat:
"Isi dadea seama ca iubirea asta il departeaza de toate credintele si nazuintele lui si totusi simtea ca fara de ea i s-ar istovi inima si viata insasi si-ar pierde orice rost,iar lumea ar deveni un pustiu fara margini."
Nu stiu ce spuneti voi,dar mie mi se par superbe.
Acum in sfarsit a venit weekendul siii..pot sa ma odihnesc in pace doua nopti.
Insa urasc ca iar a venit un specimen ciudat de iarna si e frig,nu prea pot iesi afara..pentru ca NINJE! :-L